Workplace Giving

Employee giving, matching gifts, workplace fundraisers, and local campaigns are great ways to give to SNP/MTC through your workplace.

Employee giving, matching gifts, workplace fundraisers, and local campaigns are great ways to give to SNP/MTC through your workplace.

Senior Nutrition Sponsorship

We have many ways for your company to reciprocate as a program partner. Talk to our Resource Manager to learn how to maximize your brand and visibility.


Employee giving

Start or participate in an employee giving campaign in your workplace by supporting SNP/MTC with payroll deduction gifts.

Matching gifts

Contact us to see if your employer is eligible to double — or even triple — your gift.


Workplace fundraisers

Plan a workplace fundraiser with your colleagues! Activities can be virtual or hosted in person.

Workplace Community Service

Mobilize your workforce to build community and teamwork. Sign your company up to deliver a meal route in your town. Your team will commit to deliver senior meals through a regular route in a location convenient for you.

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